Friday 13 September 2013

E-Learning activity

Mr John, lecturer of English Literature in a  University in Mauritius has been teaching for a long time using the traditional lecturing method. He has for decades shown to his classes the scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in which Mercutio is killed. It helps students understand the profound difference between the play as acted and the play as written. When he started teaching many years ago he showed it from 16mm film,  then moved up to VHS tapes and nowadays to DVD.  He's using Zeferelli's version, produced in the 1968's.On request of his students he wants now to make use of the online management system hosted by the university.  He wants to develop an online course on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. He was informed that all the students have their password to get access to these courses at the university.  He also includes the resources on the university local network. He also plan to include:

  •  The full text of The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet  by Arthur Brooke (died c. 1563)

·         A clip of Romeo and Juliet  from Youtube

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Does Mr John need permission of Zeferelli?

A   Yes-Incorrect. There are some exceptions for teaching and research in favour of schools, colleges, universities and libraries.

B    No-correct. It is being used for no profit-making motive

2. Given that anybody with an Internet connection can access and view the video, can Mr John include the clip of the video in his course

A  Yes-Incorrect. The fact that the video is accessible by anyone on the web, does not change the status of the copyright. The terms of use : YouTube cannot grant you the rights to use content that has already been uploaded to the site. If you wish to use someone else’s YouTube video, you may want to reach out to them via our messaging feature.

B.  No-correct .She  would not be able to make a copy of the video for inclusion in her course without prior permission from the copyright holder. At best she can include a link to the YouTube         

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


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